Prevocational Services occur in facility-based settings or at community sites outside the facility for small groups of individuals, called mobile crews, who travel from the facility to these community sites. Mobile crews receive Prevocational Services by performing tasks, such as cleaning or landscaping, at community sites other than the individual’s home or family home or any residential setting. The emphasis of Prevocational Services is directed to habilitative rather than explicit employment objectives. These services include teaching individuals concepts necessary to perform effectively in a job in the community.
Activities included in these services are directed at teaching concepts:
- Concepts such as rule compliance, attendance, task completion, problem solving, endurance, work speed, work accuracy, increased attention span, motor skills, safety, and appropriate social skills.
- The intended outcome of these services is to prepare the individual for paid or unpaid employment through increased skills. Prevocational Services are individually planned to meet the Individual’s needs for preparation of paid and unpaid employment.